-Terms of Service


Don't be a fool. You can't rewrite Lindens TOS in your picks. It overrides any lame legal entrapment you would try to set up in your profile.


Since most don't understand the law, specifically privacy and contractual law, I'll try to explain in simple terms. You know the screen you have to click on the button that says you agree to the Linden's policies to use second life? That is a legal, binding agreement. Attempting to modify that agreement by entering into a 2nd NON CONSENTUAL agreement with a third party is completely illegal. It will not be upheld in any American court, which is where legal issues with second life would be resolved. However, this also would not work in Great Britain, Germany, and France as well. Probably not in most other western nations. You have already entered into a non negotiable legal agreement. You must abide by it, period. Your TOS picks claiming you can force others to modify their agreement with linden labs or enter into a second agreement privately between two individuals by abusing implied consent, is not legal, and carries no weight or authority. You could actually be sued for trying to enforce such rubbish.


[15:24] Jason Grayson: Chat Started: 10-07-2010 21:46:44

Chat Log:

Craig: Hello, Thank you for contacting Linden lab Support. How can i help you today?

You: Hello, Craig. I have a question and would like an official position regarding it.

You: Many people have in their profile Picks that if you IM then, you are instantly consenting and granting permission for them to not only log the IMs (which is a feature of SL) but, also, to broadcast these logs (which is against the TOS). Is there any validity to such Picks? Do they overrun the TOS where it says IMs are not to be undisclosed?

Craig: They do not overrun the ToS at all, if you report anyone who is broadcasting private IMs then they will be investigated as it is against the ToS.

You: Do you mind if I share this with my group so they are aware?

Craig: That is fine.

You: Thank you so much!